Ronald Reagan and the Judeo/Christian Tradition of the Bible

And we’re also remembering the guiding light of our Judeo/Christian tradition. All of us here today are descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, sons and daughters of the same God. I believe we are bound by faith in our God, by our love for family and neighborhood, by our deep desire for a more peaceful world, and by our commitment to protect the freedom which is our legacy as Americans.

– Ronald Reagan, Former U.S. President (1980-1988)



Of the many influences that have shaped the United States into a distinctive nation and people, none may be said to be more fundamental and enduring than the Bible.

– Ronald Reagan, Former U.S. President (1980-1988)

Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.

– Ronald Reagan, Former U.S. President (1980-1988)

For centuries the Bible’s emphasis on compassion and love for our neighbor has inspired institutional and governmental expressions of benevolent outreach such as private charity, the establishment of schools and hospitals, and the abolition of slavery.

– Ronald Reagan, Former U.S. President (1980-1988)

Inside the Bible’s pages lie the answers to all the problems that mankind has ever known. I hope Americans will read and study the Bible.

– Ronald Reagan, Former U.S. President (1980-1988)

We’re blessed to have [the Bible’s] words of strength, comfort, and truth. I’m accused of being simplistic at times with some of the problems that confront us. But I’ve often wondered: Within the covers of that single Book are all the answers to all the problems that face us today, if we’d only look there. “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, but the word of our God shall stand forever.” I hope Americans will read and study the Bible in [the coming year]. It’s my firm belief that the enduring values, as I say, presented in its pages have a great meaning for each of us and for our nation. The Bible can touch our hearts, order our minds, refresh our souls.

– Ronald Reagan, Former U.S. President (1980-1988)

The Congress of the United States, in recognition of the unique contribution of the Bible in shaping the history and character of this Nation, and so many of its citizens, has by Senate Joint Resolution 165 authorized and requested the President to designate the year 1983 as the ‘Year of the Bible.

– Ronald Reagan, Former U.S. President (1980-1988)

Deep religious beliefs stemming from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible inspired many of the early settlers of our country, providing them with the strength, character, convictions, and faith necessary to withstand great hardship and danger in this new and rugged land. These shared beliefs helped forge a sense of common purpose among the widely dispersed colonies – a sense of community which laid the foundation for the spirit of nationhood that was to develop in later decades.

– Ronald Reagan, Former U.S. President (1980-1988)

The Bible and its teachings helped form the basis for the Founding Fathers’ abiding belief in the inalienable rights of the individual, rights which they found implicit in the Bible’s teachings of the inherent worth and dignity of each individual. This same sense of man patterned the convictions of those who framed the English system of law inherited by our own Nation, as well as the ideals set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

– Ronald Reagan, Former U.S. President (1980-1988)



Definitely Not the Anti-Christ

The mounting evidence that many fellow Americans are clinically insane can be clearly seen in a recent poll of ordinary Americans who were asked if they thought President Barack Obama, the first black president in this nation’s obviously racist history, was the anti-Christ. Here are some of the relevant statistics:

– Unbelievably, 18 percent of conservatives truly believed that he was the legendary anti-Christ destined to destroy the 2,000 year-old kingdom of Christianity that has basically ruled the world ever since.
– An astonishing 24 percent of Hispanics and 24 percent of those under 30 also agreed that mild-mannered Obama was the evil one himself. Why they thought so remains a deeply disturbing mystery.
– Unbelievably, 6 percent of Democrats also agreed with the insane accusation that the undisputed leader of the free world also happens to be the anti-Christ. They must surely regret their rash decision to vote for such a dangerous demonic tyrant who also happens to be the happily married father of two daughters.

As a whole, this recent news merely goes to show that this nation is clearly in trouble with substantial numbers of its prone to some of the most delusional, and possibly damaging, beliefs the modern world has ever seen.

Make no mistake about it. The Anti-Christ will be an openly Satanic, sexual degenerate who will gleefully harness the latent, spiritual power of lust, fornication, and sodomy in a ritual manner in order to punish and enslave those who would still dare to believe in the one, true God of the Bible.

For all his so-called faults President Barack Obama is clearly a deeply Christian man, who has yet to succomb to the diabolical, insidious temptation to commit adultery upon his beautiful wife and mother of his two virgin daughters.

In reality, the Obama family is a shining example of how true, monogamous love is still possible to achieve, even in this decadent and corrupt American nation of the 21st century. Both he and his wife are a clearly Christian blessing upon this country whose citizens definitely need an example of what a normal, loving two-parent household is really like. It matter what the president does behind closed doors and it matters that Barack Obama is a faithful and courageous husband who also happens to be the most powerful man on earth. No, the current president of the United States is most definitely not the anti-Christ.

In many ways, he is already a truly American hero who has shown the African and African-American world that nothing, even the legacy of slavery and hatred, can keep them from becoming the future Christian leaders of both today and tomorrow and throughout the centuries which lie ahead.